Friday, January 7, 2011

Good morning

Well hello blog readers. I speak to these "blog readers" as though i think they exist, when in fact i dont really think anyone reads this at all. That is quite alright though, i dont mind. I know that i think that blogs are terribly boring myself, so i dont blame anyone for not reading mine, i dont read theirs! I think that blogs are for people who know you, and people that dont arent interested in what you are doing/dont know what you are talking about because they dont know you. Plus a blog is kind of personal, like reading someones diary. haha. But, if you people out there dont know me, that is okay too. Dont be afraid to comment. Ah, here i am again talking to imaginary people...
Anyway, i am thinking of another project. Remember those cute muslin bunny dolls that they used to make? They are simple but cute, and i cant find a pattern anywhere! :(
Let me rephrase that, the pattern costs about 15.00, for these guys. I think it would be easy to just make my own pattern. These arent the exact ones i want to make, but they are close. I vaguely remember my mom making me one of these when i was little, with a really cool dress. I dont like the shape of the head on the ones in this picture, i cant find the good ones that i liked now... but you know the ones i am talking about.I think i should be able to find a pattern online or fake one. I will let you know how it goes!  :) 

Hey guys

Well hello.
I had the urge to write a blog post just now, but for some reason my blog is just not letting me do it. Not happy about that, but i will have a talk with it later. But for now i just felt like typing, so this will be posted later, after i get home. right now i am at my boyfriends house , who , being the sweet man that he is, made  me spagetti for dinner, because he knows that i am lazy and he wont get to eat if he dosnt cook. Anyway, i sat down here and noticed the ants swarming the computer. I cleared out the apple core and the cookie containers we had laying around it and they seemed to dissapate a little. Either way, i am keeping the laptop on my lap for a bit anyways, it makes me warm. Yes, even we people in hawaii get cold. Speaking of getting cold, my spagetti is getting cold, and i swear these ants bite! i swear. Until you get bit by one you wont beleive me, but it hurts. trust me. I have had these guys in my bed before and trust me, it is not fun. It burns for a long time. Ok, that is all. Goodnight guys. I will type on about my latest escapades later, in whitch i try to buy a TV , but for now i have to eat my spag before i get in trouble for letting it get cold. Goodnight