Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Somewhat of an update.

Okay well. It seems that i have not remembered that i had a blog for many months. What i have been doing in the past three months...going to school. I took four classes again this semester. ugh. Logic was terrible, i should have taken addition or something instead. I hope that even after i do terribly on my final, my teacher still gives me a B. She told me i could literally make my grade go down if i did bad enough on the final. How encouraging. The posting online says i have 85%, which is a B, im hoping i dont make my grade go down too much. I am lucky that she graded us on if we did our homework or not, not if we got it right. I have my final for Logic tomorrow. Yuck. Luckily i finished all my other finals and this will be the last one. I did my finals for English and Anthropology yesterday, they werent that bad. I am hoping i at least get a B in both of those classes. The final for English was fun, we got to write an in class essay. It was easy, i just feel bad for my teacher, she is going to have to try to read my essay. I gave her an envelope so she could mail my stuff back to me. Not that i really want to know, but it might be interesting. I will be sad to not get to go to my photography class anymore. It was my favorite class, and not just because i got to borrow a 400$ camera from the school. :) I was sad because i had to return the camera,i didnt want to take anymore pictures. But then my teacher told us something on the last day of school, he said that it doesnt matter if you dont have a nice camera, it doesnt matter any of that, as long as you are having fun and making art. Hes right,as long as you enjoy taking pictures, why should it matter what you take them with.

I am still alive!

Hey guys, i have not written a post in a long time, just wanted to let you know that i am still alive!
I have been so busy in school that i have not had time to do anything. In fact, i just remembered that i had a blog! My latest crafting project has been working on my Doll Baby. If you dont know, these are like cabbage patch dolls (but cuter). My mom made me some when i was little, and taught me how to make them. I had bought one of the heads and the body and had stuffed him and attached his head. Thats as far as i got. So this week i pulled him out of storage and began attempting to make his hands and feet. Harder than it sounds, as you can see i got one foot done. Then i got distracted and crocheted him a special custom hoodie, and made him some pants. I am thinking of making him some socks, so you cant see how badly i did on the feet! I will get to his other foot and his hands eventually, i need to pick up a doll needle first.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Good morning

Well hello blog readers. I speak to these "blog readers" as though i think they exist, when in fact i dont really think anyone reads this at all. That is quite alright though, i dont mind. I know that i think that blogs are terribly boring myself, so i dont blame anyone for not reading mine, i dont read theirs! I think that blogs are for people who know you, and people that dont arent interested in what you are doing/dont know what you are talking about because they dont know you. Plus a blog is kind of personal, like reading someones diary. haha. But, if you people out there dont know me, that is okay too. Dont be afraid to comment. Ah, here i am again talking to imaginary people...
Anyway, i am thinking of another project. Remember those cute muslin bunny dolls that they used to make? They are simple but cute, and i cant find a pattern anywhere! :(
Let me rephrase that, the pattern costs about 15.00, for these guys. I think it would be easy to just make my own pattern. These arent the exact ones i want to make, but they are close. I vaguely remember my mom making me one of these when i was little, with a really cool dress. I dont like the shape of the head on the ones in this picture, i cant find the good ones that i liked now... but you know the ones i am talking about.I think i should be able to find a pattern online or fake one. I will let you know how it goes!  :) 

Hey guys

Well hello.
I had the urge to write a blog post just now, but for some reason my blog is just not letting me do it. Not happy about that, but i will have a talk with it later. But for now i just felt like typing, so this will be posted later, after i get home. right now i am at my boyfriends house , who , being the sweet man that he is, made  me spagetti for dinner, because he knows that i am lazy and he wont get to eat if he dosnt cook. Anyway, i sat down here and noticed the ants swarming the computer. I cleared out the apple core and the cookie containers we had laying around it and they seemed to dissapate a little. Either way, i am keeping the laptop on my lap for a bit anyways, it makes me warm. Yes, even we people in hawaii get cold. Speaking of getting cold, my spagetti is getting cold, and i swear these ants bite! i swear. Until you get bit by one you wont beleive me, but it hurts. trust me. I have had these guys in my bed before and trust me, it is not fun. It burns for a long time. Ok, that is all. Goodnight guys. I will type on about my latest escapades later, in whitch i try to buy a TV , but for now i have to eat my spag before i get in trouble for letting it get cold. Goodnight

Friday, December 31, 2010

Piggle babies!

I am sure that most of you have already seen the pictures, but heres the story!

I like looking at the cute animals on craigslist, and i had been looking for some rodents for a while...i thought at first that i wanted rats, but that never seemed to work out quite right. Rats are expensive here on the island, if you buy them at the pet store they are like 10.00$! They dont use them for feeders here, since there are no snakes on the island, i assume you are not allowed to have snakes as pets. Anyway, i found this guy on craigslist that was giving away guinea pigs. At first i wrote to him in hopes of having one or two little pigs. He replied to my email and said that his landlord was coming over and he had about FORTY pigs that he needed to be rid of right away! I was like umm...well  maybe not that many, but i bet i could take about ten! So we went to meet the guy in the next few days, he brought a big box of baby guinea pigs. We picked out the ones we wanted, i think we ended up with about 12. We could have had as many as we wanted, but do you know how much 12 guinea pigs EAT??? They are so cute though, right now we have them all out in our yard under the overhang of the roof so they dont get wet when it rains. We have them seperated into girls and boys, so we dont end up with 12 thousand of them. We feed them all kinds of stuff, they are vegetarians so they like grass and apples and sometimes carrots. Lettuce is their favorite, but they love grass too.(cheaper than lettuce!) I think that i am going to start giving away a few of them, 12 is a few too many. They are fun to watch play together though, and all trying to eat out of one bowl! I dont have any videos of them yet, that will be next though. I do have some cute pictures that you can see though.
This is my moms favorite little pig, she dosnt have a name yet. She is tiny, or she was when we first got the pigs. They are growing already, we have had them for almost a month i think...

 This is them waiting nicely for their turn at the water bottle. Haha,pigs are not so nice at times, they fight over things. GR
 This guy looks like he has had plenty water, he is soaking wet!
 Moms favorite again. There will be many pictures of this one. For some reason i keep trying to spell that word as "Pigtures"....
 Here you can see the postal box that they had in there for a while until it got wrecked. The apples that they like to eat...
 Aww how cute, they are sharing.
 They like apples better than carrots for some reason.
 i like this picture because it looks almost artistic, even though it was just the camera focusing on the wrong thing,
 Yum, grass!

 One time i saw a couple of pigs do that lady and the tramp spagetti thing, where one pig had one end of the grass and another had the other end and they were both eating it. That was funny.:)

 The elusive black pig, dosnt seem to be many pictures of this one, he is cute though.
 What cuties! This is the lineup, everyone comes out when they hear food.

 Two piggles on the girls side, the one on the left is the biggest one of them all.

 Moms pig again.

 This is patches, he is one of my favorites, also one of the few who has a name! :)

 This is Mouse, he is albino, completely white with little pink eyes!

 They are supposed to be vegetarians but they like to taste people sometimes. haha :)

 This guy is one of the calico ones, hes got lots of colors on him.
I think that is most of them, now you met all my new little pets! They are just babies for now, i will keep posting pictures as they grow up. They are pretty friendly, they dont really want to be picked up but once you catch them they just sit there. Stay tuned for updates on these guys! :)

This blog was lost, but now is found.

Hello readers!
it has come to my attention that this blog has been being neglected!
So hereafter i will start posting again. I have been on break from college and have been writing some things and posting them elsewhere, maybe i will come back and post here again, now that i realize this exists...
Anyway, i am alive and well, trying to get myself excited for the new semester. I am going to be taking some fun things this semester, have to focus on the good stuff! Cant focus on the not so good stuff, like having to wake up at 5 in the morning. haha. I am super excited to be taking watercolors , i think that is going to be such a fun class. I am not sure exactly how its going to work yet, but i will be sure to let you know! I have almost the same schedule as i did last semester, just different classes. I am taking speech, sociology, watercolors and a hawaiian studies class. I think these will all be pretty fun classes, the ones i am looking forward to the most are speech and watercolors. I found out that i enjoy speaking in front of the class, and that i have no problem with that. Thats why i am taking speech this semester, plus i think its a requirement for my major anyways. So that will be fun. The husband of my psychology teacher last semester teaches a speech class but i didnt get to be in his class this time. I think he teaches public speaking or something slightly different, so maybe next semester i will get to be in his class.
The title of this blog post is a reference to the song Amazing Grace, that interestingly enough i was singing and listening to the other day. Isnt it funny how life seems to tie itself all together sometimes?
I am excited to get this blog back on the road,brush some of the dust off and get posting!
Anyways, thanks for reading, i am supposed to be feeding my dogs, so i have to go now! I will write more later!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My pictures

Ah, i almost forgot.
I have account on this site called Triond. I have articles up there and stuff, and a few pictures that you can look at. I will hopefully be getting a camera soon and taking it everywhere with me and taking pictures! I will post here when there is more pictures for you to see up on my Triond.Click
My pictures
To see them. You might have to scroll down and click on Photos and then you can make them bigger and look at them all and stuff. If you click on each picture, they all have little captions that i wrote.